There are so many beautiful places in Charleston, SC but there is one special place that I will forever hold near to my heart, the pineapple fountain in Waterfront Park. This is where Kevin popped the question. We had a nice evening planned to go to Circa 1886, one of the city's few 5 star restaurants. Everyone was suspecting when I told them about my plans for the weekend except for me. Kevin told me that a friend gave him gift certificates to Circa 1886 (like they even have gift certificates) so we were going to go and enjoy a dinner on his company but first we'd go to Waterfront Park to see an art exhibit. I said great, what a romantic evening. We got all dressed up in suitable "5 star" attire and headed to the park. We walked around the park for a little while looking for the art exhibit with no luck so we went to my favorite store Indigo. I noticed Kevin seemed to be in a rush but our dinner reservations weren't for 2 hours. We slowly strolled back to the car when he stopped in front of the fountain and grabbed both of my hands. I am still unsuspecting until he begins to talk. Before I know it he's down on one knee asking me to marry him. Instead of saying an immediate YES, I yell "open it, open it!" He opens the box (with his hands shaking) and places the most beautiful ring on my finger and finally I say YES. The moment he stands up a group of young girls came rushing towards us and asked to see the ring, my tears are still flowing. A moment after I can hear a women talking on the phone telling her husband that a young man just proposed in the same place he did several years ago. This same women (Laurie Diel) is a photographer and offers to take our photo (shown on the left). It was such a wonderful beginning to a fantastic evening.
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